enLIGHTen PICO Laser



Pico laser has a speed at one ten-billionth of a second, which is nearly ten times faster than the traditional q-switched lasers. The ultrashort pulse dramatically cuts back the time of the laser exposure, effectively reducing potential thermal damage and all kinds of direct damages and the number of treatment sessions needed. It also creates a laser-induced vibration effect that shatters the toughest and tiniest pigmentation. The shattered pigments will then get metabolized naturally by the human body, allowing pico laser to achieve faster and better results than the traditional q-switched laser.








The high pulse energy and the steady peak power of enLIGHTen make it more effective compare to the other pico laser equipment. Each speckle can be customized to emit differing amounts of energy, allowing for more control over the depth of the treatment. Besides, each treatment session is flexible in customizing the energy intensity, depths, and wavelength at any time. Apart from its safety and stability, enLIGHTen is also great against stubborn pigmentation. With its latest generation MLA lens, it can satisfy the needs of most of the people with little or no damage to the skin after treatment.








enLIGHTen is far superior to the other top tier pico laser device. Apart from the data listed in the following chart, enLIGHTen’s reliability and efficacy are evident in the photos of the speckles. The shape and steadiness of the speckle highly affects the chance of post-laser hyperpigmentation or hypopigmentation. As such, they are the most reliable indicator of treatment success.









The MLA unique to enLIGHTen effectively rejuvenates and repairs the skin by inducing Laser-induced Optical Breakdown bodies (LIOB) in the upper dermis to trigger a healing process. In turn, this increases collagen and elastin in the skin, making it a particularly effective treatment against pitted scars, enlarged pores, and discolouration.






*Photos are for reference only. Individuals results may vary.



皮秒激光比傳統激光快接近十倍,達至一百億分之一秒計算 (0.000000000001秒),短促的脈衝令激光放熱的刺激時間大大縮短,有效減少熱力的創傷性,更可減少治療次數達到最佳去斑效果。而且皮秒激光對色斑產生機械性激光壓力震動,利用震動原理把最頑固及細小的色斑震碎,色斑被打碎後變得非常細小收致被身體代謝吸收帶走,較傳統激光達到更快更佳的效果,而利用震動力將色素打碎,減少熱能對皮膚的傷害,減少反黑機會。








真正高能量達至更有效療程效果,每個光斑均能選擇能量,收達至準備控制治療深度,而且療程時能量與深度亦可隨時調節及自由轉換波長。enLIGHTen 除了安全性及穩定性強外,對付頑固色斑亦甚得心應手,而且配以二代黃金蜂巢頭令療程可以照顧及滿足更多人的需要,療程後無損皮膚不結焦。








enLIGHTen 與同級皮秒之比較中有著不少的優勢,除了下列圖表的數據外,enLIGHTen 的光斑圖片為其輸出穩定性及效能的最大最有力的鐵證 ! 光斑對於整個療程的效果及反黑反白的機率有著千絲萬縷的關係。









enLIGHTen 獨有的第二代黃金蜂巢頭 (MLA),以先破壞再重建的原理,以激光於皮膚引發高效震盪波傳送至真皮層製造空氣Laser-Induced Optical Breakdowns (LIOBs),啟動細胞傳遞增生和修復機制,刺激膠原蛋白和彈性蛋白增生,重組凹陷處的組織細胞,對治療凹凸洞,凹陷組織,收毛孔及痘疤等尤其有效。






*實際效果因人而異, 僅供參考

How long should you wait in between treatments?
Generally 2–4 weeks.
Are there any side effects to this treatment?
There is a chance of redness after the treatment. However, it usually subsides within 3-4 days.
Who is not a suitable candidate for this treatment?
This treatment is not suitable for individuals with metal or electronic implants, fillers, open wounds, severe or cystic acne, lupus erythematosus, eczema, skin inflammation, and hypertrophic scars.
皮下有金屬支架、植入式電子儀器、填充劑, 開放式創傷/傷口,嚴重或囊腫形暗瘡,紅斑狼瘡,濕疹,皮膚發炎,增生性疤痕等
What type of post-treatment care is necessary?
Avoid high temperatures, hot water, sun exposure, fruit acid, and laser treatments.
避免高溫, 熱水, 曝曬, 果酸及激光療程。
*選擇以下單項療程 (限新客戶) :