
Lumenis is one of the world’s top notch laser device brands. The Lumenis M22™ IPL utilizes a patented Optimal Pulse Technology with nine interchangeable filters and three light guides to emit intense pulsed light. The heat and light energy can precisely target areas in need of treatment. Moreover, M22 has a wide range of uses with its multiple frequency pulses. It is particularly effective against skin vascular abnormalities and acne. It can also rejuvenate the skin, reduce pigmentation, acne and acne scars, treat various skin and vascular abnormalities and rosacea, stimulate collagen regeneration, shrink pores and even remove fine hair! With solid and stable output, it is safe and effective. This device boasts 34 patents approved by the FDA and bears a CE marking by the European Union. It is a flagship IPL system that major hospitals and cosmetic clinics worldwide flock to.



The patented OPT technology allows for consistent energy output, making it safer and more effective than traditional IPL devices. Remarkably, the multiple sequential pulsing (MSP) can emit continuous pulses, allowing the skin tissue around the treated area to dissipate heat and cool down so the energy can reach the targeted area accurately without damaging the surrounding skin. Apart from being more effective, it is also suitable for sensitive skin. Furthermore, M22 has several modes, allowing for customizable parameters and energy for each customer. Such strength is what other devices cannot compete with.





It features nine changeable filters; each of them was specifically built to target different skin tones and conditions. The two most noteworthy dual-band filters are the Vascular Filter, mainly for vascular abnormalities such as spider veins and rosacea, and the Ance Filter, for acne and inflammation. Each filter can treat different skin problems, including any of the following:


- to rejuvenate the skin, improve complexion, and shrink pore size

- to lighten pigmentation such as freckles, age spots, and chloasma

- to brighten up dull skin

- to reduce acne and acne scars

- to relieve acne inflammations

- to alleviate rosacea

- to diminish fine lines and regenerate collagen

- to lessen vascular conditions such as spider veins and rosacea

- to lighten scarring

- to remove fine hair




Lumenis 為世界首屈一指的醫學激光儀器品牌,當中的Lumenis M22™ 脈衝光美肌濾鏡運用專利 OPT 立方平頂波技術,利用九款濾鏡配合三種導光晶體輸出脈衝光線,穿透到達皮膚病變位置,以光熱原理針對性對付多種皮膚問題,而且M22的多波段範圍覆蓋率廣,除一般問題外對皮膚血管變異及痤瘡尤其有效。M22 應用範圍廣泛,包括: 嫩膚,去除色斑,暗瘡,瘡印,各種皮膚微絲血管病變,玫瑰痤瘡,刺激膠原增生,收毛孔,至脫毛亦能一一做到,能量輸出穩定性強安全有效,獲得美國FDA 34項專利及歐盟CE 認證,為旗艦級醫學脈衝系統,所以深受世界各地各大醫院及醫美診所推崇及使用。



專利 OPT 立方平頂波技術讓每發能量輸出均為一致且穩定的平頂波,比起傳統脈衝光更安全有效,其 MSP 分段式多重連續脈衝輸出更可令治療範圍周邊的皮膚組織有散熱冷卻的時間,令能量精準直達治療目標同時不傷周邊肌膚,效果更好之餘敏感肌膚也可以安心施打。M22 當中程式可隨意調教脈衝時間參數和總能量,完全可因應情況切合不同客人的各種需要,其他舊式及同類型機種難以媲美。





九款波長專業濾光鏡每款針對不同膚色及皮膚問題,當中最特別的兩款雙波段濾鏡- Vascular Filter 主要用作對付血管變異 - 如紅血絲,潮紅,酒糟等問題,而Ance Filter 則主要用作對付痤瘡及炎症。各款濾鏡主要可解決以下皮膚問題 :


- 嫩膚/改善膚質/收毛孔

- 色斑(雀斑 / 曬斑 / 老人斑 / 荷爾蒙斑)

- 皮膚暗啞

- 暗瘡/暗瘡印

- 各種痤瘡炎症

- 玫瑰痤瘡

- 減淡幼紋/ 膠原增生

- 血管病變(血管絲,潮紅,酒糟等)

- 創傷性疤痕

- 脫毛




How long does it take to see results from treatments?
Generally, you should wait 3–4 weeks between treating pigmentation, 4–6 weeks between treating acne, and 6–8 weeks between treating vascular abnormalities. However, the actual timeline is to be decided based on your condition.
一般打斑需相隔 3-4 周,痤瘡 4-6 周,血管性異常需相隔 6-8 周,須依實際狀況做臨床判斷。
Are there any side effects to this treatment?
The skin may appear red, swollen, or blistered. You might notice the pigmentation temporarily darken or scab and observe light purple spots. The colour of your blood vessels might deepen or seem reddish. Usually, all of these will disappear within a week.
Who is not a suitable candidate for this treatment?
This treatment is not suitable for pregnant people or individuals with metal or electronic implants, fillers, abdominal aortic aneurysm, open wounds, hemorrhagic coagulopathy, immune disorders, or cancer.
What type of post-treatment care is necessary?
Avoid friction or picking the scab at the pigmentation. Avoid high temperature, hot water, sun exposure, fruit acid, laser treatments, saunas or the use of exfoliating products that contain fruit acid or alcohol. Please apply sunscreen before going outdoors.
避免摩擦或弄破色斑/色素結痂位置,避免高溫, 熱水, 曝曬, 果酸及激光療程,桑拿或使用去角質/果酸/含酒精產品, 外出請使用防曬產品。
*選擇以下單項療程 (限新客戶) :